
Empowering Learning through Robotics Workshop

In March 2018, my team, Jontrotantrik, representing “Jontrotantrik Lab,” organized a comprehensive one-day workshop to demystify Robotics for university students in Bangladesh. Initially planned for 20 participants, the overwhelming response saw 650 eager learners from across the country, prompting us to expand the workshop’s capacity.

Event Highlights:

  • Workshop Focus: Geared towards beginners and intermediate learners, covering introductory topics in AI, IoT, and Robotics.
  • Interactive Learning: Participants actively engaged in constructing an Obstacle Sensing Robot during a live demonstration, followed by hands-on activities.
  • Participant Involvement: Over 50 students from various university departments actively participated, contributing to a dynamic learning environment.

Success Indicators:

  • Registration Overwhelm: 650 enthusiastic responses necessitated an expansion of the initial 20-person capacity.
  • Double Session Management: Due to high demand, we conducted a full double session on the event day to accommodate the growing interest.
  • Positive Feedback: Each session concluded with certificate distribution and valuable participant reviews, marking the workshop’s success.

Visual Documentation: View moments captured during the workshop, showcasing the vibrant learning atmosphere and participants actively engaging with Robotics concepts.

Event Link: Workshop Event on Facebook

This workshop stands as a testament to our commitment to knowledge dissemination and fostering a passion for Robotics among students. The event’s success fuels our continued dedication to educational initiatives through Jontrotantrik Lab.


Hosting an impactful one-day event, our Jontro Tantrik Lab engaged 650 eager learners nationwide, exceeding initial capacity. The interactive workshop covered AI, IoT, and Robotics, culminating in live construction of an Obstacle Sensing Robot. Positive reviews affirmed its success, marking a milestone in our educational initiatives.

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